Rowing, Senior Squad UK Training Camp
Read on to find out more about this trip
Dates*: This is an annual rowing camp and will run during the Easter Holidays each year
Open to: Fifth Year -Upper Sixth Rowers
Trip Leader : Mr D Blackham
Cost*: £tbc
Purpose of the Trip and Brief Itinerary* All three senior year groups have considerable time pressures during the Easter break and going into the Summer Term.
The Easter Camp is a training camp focused on preparing athletes and their crews for the summer regatta schedule. The objective is to help the athletes prepare for both regional, national, and international competition. The goal will be to build small boat crews, and where possible big boat crews. Developing speed on the water and creating team building opportunities will be the primary objective.
Expression of interest and Confirmation of PlacesPlease note that when this trip is available for booking, full details including costs will be sent to parents through an Operoo consent form.
*Please note the date, cost and itinerary is subject to change