Netball & Football Tour, Spain
Read on to find out more about this trip
Dates*: Sunday 20 October - Friday 25 October 2024
October Half Term 2026
Open to: Shells and Third Year
Trip Leaders: Miss C Jones and Mr A Davies
Cost*: £975
Purpose of the Trip and Brief Itinerary*We are great advocates of sports tours and we believe they allow students to develop, both as players and individuals, and the memories created have a long-lasting positive influence.
This trip is aimed at those students who enjoy netball and football training and are aiming to play during the season, providing opportunities for our students to train at world class facilities with elite, highly qualified coaches and play in a multi-school tournament.
This is a must do trip for all netball and football players with an exciting itinerary
In addition, players will take in cultural aspects of the local area and there will be a full evening programme of activities.
Expression of interest and Confirmation of PlacesPlease note that when this trip is available for booking, full details including costs will be sent to parents through an Operoo consent form.
*Please note the dates, itinerary and cost is subject to change