I am delighted that you are considering King's for your A Level studies.
King's Sixth Form offers you the opportunity to take a greater level of control over your own learning and more freedom in how you use your time and the facilities available to you. Above all though, it acts as the springboard between school and the world beyond.
Competition for places at the leading universities is greater than ever and it is vital that you give yourself the best chance of success by being the most attractive proposition you can be.
Academic achievement is important, but so are the various skills that you will be able to develop at King's, and the myriad of extra-curricular opportunities on offer.
In Sixth Form, you will challenge yourself to achieve the best you can in all you partake. Expectations will be high and you will need to be self-motivated – but that doesn't mean that help isn't at hand when it is needed. Tutors will see you on a daily basis, and remain with you during your time in the Sixth Form, acting as an adviser and a confidante.
I hope that you find the information in this booklet useful as you prepare to take the next step in your education.
Josh Carter, Head of Sixth Form
Choosing your A Levels and where to study them are two very important decisions.
Mr Carter has shared some advice in the form of questions that you'll find useful to ask yourself when you're deciding where to study:
Does the school offer your subjects?
Are there sufficient numbers studying the subject to get specialist teachers?
Are the classes small enough to get individual attention?
Are the classes large enough to get interaction?
What is the school’s record of getting students to the university you are interested in?
Particularly for Oxford and Cambridge, does the school have specialist, expert teachers to guide through extension papers and the admissions process?
Does the school offer Extended Projects and an Enrichment Programme?
Our 2024 A Level students secured places at top universities, with 85% of them successfully gaining a place on their first choice university course.
The year group excelled despite periods of home learning imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. A total of 52% of all grades were at A*/A and 79% at A*-B.
This continues a trend which sees King's as one of the top performing schools in Cheshire and the North West.
At King's, we offer unrivalled advice and help to get you into the university of your choice. This year, 85% of students gained a place at their first-choice university and, of these, 70% will be studying at either a Russell Group or Times Top 30 university.
We offer expert support and advice to students applying for competitive courses, such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science, as well as those who aspire to Oxford and Cambridge.
This includes mock entrance tests, mock interviews, a range of Enrichment and co-curricular opportunities, as well as support with appplications.
Small tutor groups with the same tutor throughout your Sixth Form years.
A range of opportunities and subjects to stretch your mind and widen your experience to support your university application and personal development.